Adult Protective Services
- Listed: December 16, 2018 2:51 am
- Expires: 997749 days, 10 hours
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services is mandated by the State of California, Welfare and Institutions code to receive and investigate reports of abuse or neglect regarding elders (anyone age 65 or older) or dependent adults (ages 18 to 64 who because of mental or physical disability are unable to protect themselves and advocate on their own behalf). Adult Protective Services is available to respond to urgent situations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Adult Protective Services is staffed by Social Workers who collaborate with elders, dependent adults, families and care providers to protect and prevent abuse, neglect or self neglect of elders and dependent adults.
Reportable Abuse Includes:
From Welfare and Institution Code Section 15610
- Physical: “Physical abuse means assault; battery; unreasonable physical constraint, or prolonged or continual deprivation of food or water; sexual assault; use of physical or chemical restraint or psychotropic medication for punishment, for a period beyond that for which the medication was ordered or for any purpose not authorized by the physician and surgeon.”
- Neglect: “The negligent failure of any person having the care or custody of an elder or dependent adult to exercise that degree of care that a reasonable person in a like position would exercise.”
- Financial: “Takes or assists in taking, secreting, appropriating, or retaining real or personal property of an elder or dependent adult to a wrongful use or with intent to defraud, or both.”
- Abandonment:“The desertion or willful forsaking of an elder or a dependent adult by anyone having care or custody of that person under circumstance in which a reasonable person would continue to provide care and custody.”
- Isolation: “Acts intentionally committed for the purpose of preventing, and that do serve to prevent, an elder or dependent adult from receiving his or her mail or telephone calls.”
- Abduction:“The removal from this state and the restraint from returning to this state, of any elder or dependent adult who does not have the capacity to consent to the removal from this state and the restraint from returning to this state, as well as the removal from this state or the restraint from returning to this state, of any conservatee without the consent of the conservator or the court.”
- Self Neglect:“The negligent failure of the person themselves to exercise that degree of care that a reasonable person in a like situation would exercise.”
- Other (non-mandated): e.g. deprivation of goods and services; psychological/mental
Adult Protective Services:
How Do I Make a Dependent Adult or Elder Abuse Report?
All community members may report dependent adult/elder abuse to help APS ensure that victims of abuse can get the help they need as soon as possible. APS receives reports from family members, service and health providers, law enforcement, and other concerned citizens. Reports can be received by phone or mail.
Social Workers dedicated to the intake process receive and document reports of abuse or neglect. Adult Protective Services assesses the urgency of the situation and are able to respond immediately if necessary or to mobilize law enforcement or paramedics if needed. Reporting parties should call 911 directly if a life threatening situation is in progress. Adult Protective Services may determine that the allegations or the situation does not meet the required criteria for Adult Protective Services involvement. In such cases, referrals or consultation may be appropriate. If a report does meet Adult Protective Services criteria, a social worker is assigned to investigate the allegations and assess the client’s situation. Because of confidentiality laws, the reporting party may not receive information about the outcome of Adult Protective Services involvement.
The Calaveras County Department of Social Services is committed to the safety and welfare of every individual.
Steps to report Dependent Adult or Elder Abuse to Adult Protective Services:
Call 911 for Life-Threatening Emergencies
- Call APS to report dependant adult or elder abuse:
(209) 754-6677 or 1-844-690-5137
- Complete State of California Abuse Report forms:
Mandated Reporters and all other reporters use this form:
SOC 341-Report of Suspected Dependant Adult/Elder Abuse
Financial Institutions ONLY use this form:
SOC 342-Report of Suspected Dependant Adult/Elder Financial Abuse
- Mail the written report within 2 working days to:
Calaveras Health and Human Services-Adult Protective Services
509 E. St Charles St
San Andreas, CA 95249
Or Fax: (209) 754-3293
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