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Mental Health Services – Individuals

  • Listed: December 15, 2018 5:03 pm
  • Expires: 997749 days, 11 hours


Mental Health Services – Individuals

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) administers a variety of mental health programs for children and youth, and adults. County Mental Health Departments provide or contract to provide Medi-Cal specialty mental health services and Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) services.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need immediate assistance, please call “911” and explain the nature of your problem to the operator.

Individuals seeking Mental Health services or information should contact their local County Mental Health program at the link

The DHCS Mental Health Services Division provides ombudsman services for individuals who need assistance with accessing mental health services through their local County Mental Health Department. If, after contacting your local county mental health program you still require assistance in obtaining access to mental health services, you may contact the DHCS Mental Health Ombudsman.

What is an Ombudsman?

The Medi-Cal Managed Care and Mental Health Office of the Ombudsman help resolve problems from a neutral standpoint to ensure that our members receive all medically necessary covered services and information for which plans are contractually responsible is a person in a government agency to whom people can go to make complaints or explain problems with the programs or policies of the agency.


 Department of Health Care Services Office of the Ombudsman
 ·        Hours of Operation:  Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm PST; excluding holidays

·         By Phone: 1-888-452-8609

·         By email*:  MMCDOmbudsmanOffice@dhcs.ca.gov

The MHSA Workforce Education & Training (WET) Program transferred to the Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD).

The DMH Office of Multicultural Services (OMS) transferred to the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) Office of Health Equity.

Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always contact the agency or provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. We are not affiliated to any of the organizations listed in this app/website. The information provided in this app/site is for the benefit of the community and and we are not liable for any information changed from the date we published this information. Please contact us if you like to make any changes in the information by emailing beracahsites@gmail.com

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