Alameda County Veterans Service
- Listed: December 12, 2018 1:21 pm
- Expires: 997721 days, 7 hours
The Alameda County Veterans Service Office (VSO) operates in the Alameda County Social Services Agency, Department of Adult and Aging Services, under the direction of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. The VSO serves all of Alameda County.
VSO Offices:
Oakland (main office)
Dept. of Adult and Aging Services (AAS)
6955 Foothill Boulevard, Suite 143 (1st Floor)
Oakland, 94605
M-F (510)577-1926
Fax (510)577-1947
Fremont and Livermore locations are closed until further notice,
please contact main office to make an appointment.
The Veterans Service Office provides veterans, their dependents and/or survivors with information regarding veterans benefits, and assistance with filing benefit claims, waivers and appeals, in order to obtain and maintain all eligable benefits and entitlements..
The major categories of benefits and services consist of Disability Benefits, Dependents and Survivor Benefits, Education Benefits, Vocational Rehabilitation, Burial Benefits, Health Care, Veterans Homes, Home Loans, and Life Insurance.
The VSO partners with the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, the Calif. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, other County Veterans Service Offices throughout the State, local veterans’ groups and service organizations, and other community resources available to veterans, dependents, and survivors.
Alameda County Network of Care for Veterans & Service Members
For additional resources, visit Alameda County Network of Care for Veterans & Service Members at
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