Area Agency on Aging
- Listed: December 12, 2018 4:09 pm
- Expires: 997721 days, 2 hours
Area Agency on Aging
The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is the local arm of a national aging network. Alameda County’s AAA is housed in the Alameda County Social Services Agency, within the Aging and Adult Services department. Through the AAA, community-based organizations, public and private sector partners and consumers all work together to advance the social, health and well-being of older adults in Alameda County. The AAA provides services through grants from the Federal Administration of Aging, the State of California, and the County of Alameda. These services include but are not limited to Adult Day Care, Family Caregiver Support programs, Food and Nutrition programs, Senior Information and Assistance, Long Term Care Ombudsman Services, and Senior Center Services.
The AAA is advised by the Alameda County Advisory Commission on Aging (ACA), whose members are appointed by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and the Mayors Conference. Commission members work in concert with the staff of the AAA to develop and plan programs designed to assist elders and their caregivers in the county. The Commission meets on the second Monday of the month at the Adult and Aging Services (AAS) Office located at 6955 Foothill Blvd, 1st Floor, Oakland, CA in the Maxwell Park Conference Room. Meetings are open to the public.
Senior Update, the eyes and ears of Alameda County Seniors, is the newsletter published quarterly by the ACA. Click here for current and past issues.
Senior Information & Assistance
Alameda County has a dedicated Senior Information & Assistance team available to provide information about services for older adults. We help individuals navigate through the systems of care and programs for elders and provide direct referrals to services. The team is active in community outreach and participates in numerous resource fairs with other community-based organizations. Senior I & A also publishes several resource guides for older adults and family members. The department can be reached by phone, email, or in-person at community events.
Phone number: 1-800- 510-2020 or 510- 577-3530
If you would like to be added to our email list in order to receive updates on senior services and events throughout Alameda County, please email with your name and/or organization.
The AAA hosts a bi-monthly Information & Assistance Roundtable Meeting. Topic include presentations on a variety of topics, such as, mental health programs, nutrition, neurological research, legal services, and LGBTQ-friendly programs. The Roundtable offers an opportunity for senior service providers, consumers, and private sectors partners to network and share information.
Information & Assistance Roundtable Meeting Schedule & Materials
Every four years the AAA prepares an Area Plan that informs the provision of services for seniors. The services are provided by the AAA along with our network of community partners which include community-based organizations, public, and private sector organizations. Throughout 2015 and early part of 2016, Alameda County undertook a comprehensive public planning process that resulted in the 2017—2020 Alameda County Plan for Older Adults. This effort involved multiple departments within Alameda County, including the Social Services Agency, Health Care Services Agency, Public Health, Behavioral Health Care Services, and other agencies. The planning process was steered by a committee that included community-based organizations, representatives from cities, consumers, academics, and other stakeholders.
2017—2020 Alameda County Plan for Older Adults
The Alameda County AAA subcontracts with many providers to deliver services for older adults, in order to provide Alameda County residents with appropriate activities and services for older adults of all cultures, ages, incomes, and regions. Funding for our providers comes from a variety of federal, state, and county sources. Funds are granted through a Request for Proposal process that generally occurs every four years.
- Adult Protective Services
24 Hour Elder Abuse Hotline
1-866-CALL-APS - Ombudsman—Advocates for residents in long-term care facilities:
Working Hours Line
After Hours Crisis Line
- Adult and Aging Contact Page
- IHSS Payroll Information: 577-1877
- To apply for IHSS: 577-1900
- AAA Information & Assistance
510-577-3530 - Public Administrator
(510) 577-1972 - Public Guardian-Conservator (Probate)
(510) 577-3585 - Public Guardian- Conservator (LPS)
(510) 577-1900 - Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
Adult & Aging Services
6955 Foothill Boulevard Suite 143
Oakland CA 94605
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