Assisted Living Waiver
- Listed: December 12, 2018 7:33 pm
- Expires: 997721 days, 2 hours
Assisted Living Waiver
The pilot program was determined to be successful during the first three years in a limited trial in three counties. In March 2009, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved a waiver renewal for an additional five years and expansion of the program into additional counties. A five year waiver renewal was effective March 1, 2014.
- Age 21 or older;
- Have full-scope Medi-Cal eligibility with zero share of cost;
- Have care needs equal to those of Medi-Cal-funded residents living and receiving care in Nursing Facilities;
- Willing to live in an assisted living setting as an alternative to a Nursing Facility;
- Able to reside safely in an assisted living facility or public subsidized housing;
- Willing to live in an assisted living setting located in one of the following counties providing ALW services: Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Sonoma counties.
The goal of the ALW is to:
2) offer eligible seniors and persons with disabilities, who reside in the community, but are at risk of being institutionalized, the option of utilizing ALW services to develop a program that will safely meet his/her care needs while continuing to reside in a RCF, ARF, or public subsidized housing.
Medi-Cal Member Enrollment Information
Apply for Medi-Cal
You must apply for Medi-Cal in order to receive HCBS waiver and program services.You may apply for Medi-Cal before or after you have requested HCBS waiver and program services.On your Medi-Cal application you must indicated that you need long term care services and support.More information on how to apply please go to Ways to Apply for Medi-Cal.Special Medi-Cal Eligibility Rules
If you are currently on a waiting list for the HCBS waiver or program, special Medi-Cal eligibility rules may apply to you if you are:- Married or in a registered domestic partnership and
- Meet the medical requirement as verified by your doctor’s verification form.
More information regarding these special rules can be found on the Spousal Impoverishment flyer.
How To Enroll
Program Services
Participants in the ALW program will have access to three waiver benefits:
Assisted Living Services
ALW Services
Care Coordination
Nursing Facility Transition Care Coordination
Additional Resources:
- Assisted Living Waiver Fact Sheet
List of RCFE Facilities: Updated 11/02/18
- Description of Public Subsidized Housing
Provider Enrollment Information
Provider Resources, Forms, and Memorandums
Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always contact the agency or provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. We are not affiliated to any of the organizations listed in this app/website. The information provided in this app/site is for the benefit of the community and and we are not liable for any information changed from the date we published this information. Please contact us if you like to make any changes in the information by emailing beracahsites@gmail.com2963 total views, 4 today