Independent Living Program
- Listed: December 16, 2018 2:54 am
- Expires: 997721 days, 7 hours
Calaveras County Child Welfare Services offers the Independent Living Program (ILP) to current and former foster youth. ILP focuses on helping youth gain the basic life skills and information needed to become successful self-sufficient adults. ILP provides mentoring and training to foster care youth who are in foster care during the ages of 15 1/2 to 18. Youth ages 16 and over who are in foster care or were in foster care on or after their 16th birthday are eligible for services up the age of 21. Child Welfare Services administers the Independent Living Program to enable youth to achieve self-sufficiency prior to leaving the foster care system by providing independent living skill assessments, support training, and services. A written transitional independent living plan is designed for each participant to meet their goal of being self-sufficient.
Services available to help young people prepare for adulthood include:
- Independent life skill classes
- Daily living skills
- Education resources
- Assistance with applications for student aid
- Help in getting a job
- Housing resources
- Money management
- Decision making
- Building self-esteem
- Support and advocacy
To Qualify
Independent Living Program
Youth in foster placement who receive state or federal foster care funds are considered eligible for services during the time they are in placement and after emancipation from the system. A young person may be referred to ILP by social workers, probation officers, foster parents, other county ILP coordinators or by self-referral. A social worker is assigned to each participant in ILP for case management. The social worker meets with the ILP eligible youth to develop a Transitional Independent Living Skill plan.
Services are based on need and availability of funding. For a youth to be eligible for services in the Independent Living Program, the youth must meet the California Department of Social Services guidelines for eligibility. Youth shall be eligible for ILP services up to their 21st birthday provided one of the following guidelines for eligibility is met:
- Youth was/is in foster care at any time from their 16th to their 19th birthday
- Youth was/is 16 years of age up to 18 years of age and in receipt of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (KinGap)
Foster youth will have the opportunity to earn cash incentives and household items. This incentive program may vary from year-to-year depending on the budget and number of participants.
Extended Foster Care
The goal of Extended Foster Care (AB12) is to assist foster youth in maintaining a safety net of support while experiencing independence in a secure and supervised living environment. The extended time as a non-minor dependent can assist the youth in becoming better prepared for successful transition into adulthood and self-sufficiency through education and employment training.
Contact Information
To inquire more about the Calaveras County Independent Living Program please contact:
Calaveras County Health and Human Services Agency
509 East St. Charles Street, San Andreas, CA 95249
Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Phone (209) 754-6452
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