Medi-cal Dental Provider Referral List
- Listed: December 13, 2018 4:34 am
- Expires: 997718 days
Provider Referral List
Click on an appropriate county or city to view a list of dentists who may be accepting new Denti-Cal patients. This is not a guarantee they will be available to accept additional patients at the time you contact them. If you can not find a dentist in your area who is accepting new patients, please contact the Denti-Cal Telephone Service Center for additional help at 1-800-322-6384.
Counties G-L
- Glen
- Humboldt
- Imperial
- Inyo
- Kern
- Kings
- Lake
- Lassen
- Los Angeles
- Denti-Cal Provider Referral List a-c
- Denti-Cal Provider Referral List d-k
- Denti-Cal Provider Referral List l
- Denti-Cal Provider Referral List m-r
- Denti-Cal Provider Referral List s-z
- Dental Clinics Serving Medi-Cal Beneficiaries a-c
- Dental Clinics Serving Medi-Cal Beneficiaries d-k
- Dental Clinics Serving Medi-Cal Beneficiaries l
- Dental Clinics Serving Medi-Cal Beneficiaries m-r
- Dental Clinics Serving Medi-Cal Beneficiaries s-z
2505 total views, 1 today
Listing ID: 2725c11e11ae4986