California Children’s Services
- Listed: December 15, 2018 3:48 am
- Expires: 997720 days, 2 hours
California Children’s Services
California Children’s Services (CCS) is a state program for children with certain diseases or health problems. Through this program, children up to 21 years old can get the health care and services they need. CCS will connect you with doctors and trained health care people who know how to care for your child with special health care needs.
Know the Benefits
CCS may be able to help your child with a doctor visit and testing to find out if there is a special health problem.
If your child has a special health problem that is covered by CCS, then CCS may pay for or help with:
- Doctor visits and care, hospital stays, surgery, physical therapy and occupational therapy, tests, X-rays, medical equipment, and medical supplies
- Medical case management to help get special doctors and to refer you to other agencies, such as public health nursing and regional centers
- Medical Therapy Program, which provides physical therapy and/or occupational therapy in public school
Find Out if I Qualify
Your child may qualify if he/she:
- is under 21 years old
- has a health problem that is covered by CCS
- is a resident of California
- and has one of the following:
- family income of $40,000 or less
- out-of-pocket medical expenses expected to be more than 20 percent of family’s adjusted gross income
- a need for an evaluation to find out if there is a health problem covered by CCS
- was adopted with a known health problem that is covered by CCS
- a need for the Medical Therapy Program
- Medi-Cal, with full benefits
Medical Therapy Program
The Medical Therapy Program (MTP) is a special program within California Children’s Services that provides physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT) and medical therapy conference (MTC) services for children who have disabling conditions, generally due to neurological or musculoskeletal disorders.
Do I Qualify?
Just like the general California Children’s Services (CCS) program, anyone, such as a parent, teacher, school nurse, or physician can refer a child to the MTP.
The child’s medical records are reviewed to determine if the child qualifies for the MTP. Once it has been determined that the child is medically eligible for the MTP, the child is then referred to the local Medical Therapy Unit for a therapy evaluation.
Examples of qualifying conditions for the CCS MTP include:
- Cerebral palsy
- Spina bifida
- Muscular dystrophy
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Spinal cord injuries
- Arthrogryposis
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Head injuries
There is no financial eligibility requirement for MTP services. There is a financial eligibility requirement for specialized equipment.
Know the Benefits
Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) services are provided at Medical Therapy Units (MTUs). MTUs are outpatient clinics located in designated public schools.
PT is primarily provided to address mobility and ambulation needs. PT is provided by a trained Physical Therapist who has at least a Bachelors degree, graduated from an approved School of Physical Therapy, and has a license to provide Physical Therapy in California.
OT is primarily provided to address self help skills or Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). OT is provided by a trained Occupational Therapist who has at least a Bachelors degree, graduated from an approved School of Occupational Therapy, and has a license to provide Occupational Therapy in California.
The MTC is an interdisciplinary team meeting where the child’s medical case management regarding the MTP eligible condition is determined. This includes PT, OT and recommendations for specialized equipment, such as orthotics/braces, wheelchairs and other assistive devices.
Comprehensive evaluations are completed by MTP staff and findings and recommendations are discussed with the parents. This evaluation includes physical assessment and may include home, classroom and community access assessment.
MTP staff attends Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) meetings, when requested, to make sure school staff is aware of the child’s participation and current status in the MTP.
Family Resources
- Alta California Regional Center
Alta California Regional Center creates and maintains partnerships to support all persons with developmental disabilities, children at risk, and their families in choosing services and supports through individual lifelong planning to achieve satisfying lifestyles in their own communities. - California Children’s Services Family Handbook
English | Spanish
What parents/guardians should know about California Children’s Services (CCS). - Early Head Start National Resource Center
Early Head Start (EHS) is a federally funded community-based program for low-income families with infants and toddlers and pregnant women. - Family Voices of California
Family Voices is a statewide grassroots network of families and friends speaking on behalf of children with special health care needs. The group is involved in several projects and works in partnership with agencies, advocates, and other professionals concerned with addressing the needs of families of children with special health care needs. - Healthy Families
Low cost insurance for children and teens. It provides health, dental and vision coverage to children who do not have insurance and do not qualify for free Medi-Cal. - Healthy Kids
Healthy Kids is a low-cost health care program available in many counties for children who are not eligible for full Medi-Cal or Health Families. - Institute Child Health Policy
Established in 1986, the Institute Child Health Policy’s is a statewide unit of the State University System of Florida. Their goal is to research, evaluate, formulate, and advance health policies, programs, and systems that promote the health and well-being of children and youth. - Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
Administers Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM), Healthy Families, and the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program. - Medi-Cal
This is a public health insurance program which provides needed health care services for low-income individuals and families. - The Care Notebook
The Care Notebook is an organizing tool for families with children with special health care needs. Parents can use it to track important information about their child’s health and general care. - Social Security Administration
Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always contact the agency or provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. We are not affiliated to any of the organizations listed in this app/website. The information provided in this app/site is for the benefit of the community and and we are not liable for any information changed from the date we published this information. Please contact us if you like to make any changes in the information by emailing
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