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Discount for Voice Services and Broadband Services to schools, libraries, hospitals and other non-profit organizations

  • Listed: December 17, 2018 3:06 am
  • Expires: 997750 days, 11 hours


California Teleconnect Fund (CTF)

The CTF program provides a 25% off voice services and a 50% discount for broadband on select communications services to schools, libraries, hospitals and other non-profit organizations.

The program was established by Decision 96-10-066 on October 25, 1996. In this decision, the California Public Utilities Commission reaffirmed its commitment to universal service, and created the CTF program in accordance with state and federal directives. The program is funded through a surcharge on all customers that purchase intrastate telecommunications services.

ho is eligible to receive the CTF discount?

Select an entity category to view a list of organizations currently approved to receive CTF discounts. Participants who joined the CTF program prior to 2009, including Community Based Organizations, may not have the physical address available on the list. Please contact the CTF unit at CTFHelp@cpuc.ca.gov to obtain the physical address.

Didn’t find your organization? Please email inquiries to  CTFHelp@cpuc.ca.gov.

Generally, these are the qualifying requirements:

Schools & School Districts

  • Public or nonprofit private schools
  • Located in California
  • Providing elementary or secondary education (K – 12)
  • Annual endowments under $50 million
  • Must have active County District School Code Number


  • Located in California
  • Eligible to participate in state-based plans for funds under Title III of the Library Services and Technology Act

Government Owned and Operated Hospitals & Health Clinics

  • Located in California
  • Owned and operated by a municipal, county government, or a hospital district
  • Some that do not meet the above “owned and operated” requirement may qualify as a Community Based Organization (see below)

Community Based Organizations (CBOs)

  • Total revenue does not exceed $5 million, except for 2-1-1 CBOs and Health care CBOs
  • Tax-exempt
  • Directly offer one of the following services to a community at specific geographic locations in California: 2-1-1 Service Provider, Educational Instruction, Health care, Job Training, Job Placement, or a Community Technology program
  • Provides its community access to the internet, except for 2-1-1 CBOs and Health care CBOs
  • Demonstrate that a majority of the board members reside within the state or are members of the community of interest served by the CBO (such as disability)
  • Demonstrate that it provides its services to the community without charge or at discounted rates

Subcategory of CBO: Health care CBOs

In addition to the general CBO criteria above, Health care CBOs must:

  • Have annual revenues of less than $50 million
  • Have licensed medical personnel on site providing Health care services
  • Accept medical plan such as Medi-Cal, Medicare, Department of Veteran’s Affair insurance, and/or provides services without charge or at a minimal fee. 

Subcategory of Health care CBO: California Telehealth Network members

  • Must individually qualify by meeting the requirements for Health care CBOs

California Community Colleges

  • Must submit an application with current Management Information System code

Eligible Service for the CTF Discount

Participating Carriers in the CTF Program

How to Apply to CTF 

CTF Application Form

Applicant Guide Book 


Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always contact the agency or provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. We are not affiliated to any of the organizations listed in this app/website. The information provided in this app/site is for the benefit of the community and and we are not liable for any information changed from the date we published this information. Please contact us if you like to make any changes in the information by emailing beracahsites@gmail.com

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