Child Care Assistance to CalWORKs participants
- Listed: December 12, 2018 1:47 pm
- Expires: 997749 days, 10 hours
Child Care Assistance
Child care is a Supportive Services provided to CalWORKs participants while they participate in employment activities.
Child care is available to children age 12 years old or younger.
You may receive child care for a child who lives with you but does not receive aid if not having child care would keep you from getting a job. You can choose the kind of child care you want, such as child care centers, relatives, friends, or neighbors.
Payments can be made to licensed child care providers and, in some cases, to persons who don’t need to be licensed. If your provider is not licensed, he or she must apply for Trustline registration. A provider who is your child’s aunt, uncle, or grandparent does not have to apply for Trustline registration.
How to apply
To learn more about transportation benefits and find out if you qualify, please telephone your Employment Counselor (EC). If you do not know who your EC is, dial one of the following numbers:
(510) 596-0448 North County
(510) 670-6000 South County
Paying your childcare provider
Your childcare provider will be paid the going rate for child care in the area where you live.
We cannot pay for child care if you choose somebody in your CalWORKs assistance unit (the child’s legal guardian, the parent, or somebody under 18 years old) as the care giver.
Choosing a provider
If you need information about how to choose a child care provider or other child care information you may call the Resource and Referral Agencies in Alameda County:
- North County – Bananas at (510) 658-0381
- South County – 4C’s at (510) 584-3101
- East County – Child Care Links at (925) 417-8733.
Frequently asked questions about child care
1. How long can I receive child care?
You can receive child care from the date you attend a CalWORKs Orientation and begin your CalWORKs activity (school, vocational training or work). Childcare continues for 24 months after cash assistance has been discontinued, or until your income reaches 75% of the State Median Income.
2. Can my mother or my sister, who is not in the assistance unit with me, but have their own cash assistance case, provide child care?
Yes, but they must report the income they receive on their Quarterly Report form (QR7). The QR7 is a form that people receiving aid complete monthly to remain eligible for CalWORKs.
3. Can I receive child care assistance if I am caring for a child that receives CalWORKs cash assistance, but I do not receive CalWORKs cash assistance for myself?
No, in order to receive child care assistance you must be a current recipient participating in the Welfare to Work Program or have received cash assistance within the last 24 months.
Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always contact the agency or provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. We are not affiliated to any of the organizations listed in this app/website. The information provided in this app/site is for the benefit of the community and and we are not liable for any information changed from the date we published this information. Please contact us if you like to make any changes in the information by emailing beracahsites@gmail.com1999 total views, 1 today