CalWORKS Employment Services & CalLearn
- Listed: December 16, 2018 3:04 am
- Expires: 997721 days, 2 hours
The Adult Literacy Program at the Calaveras County Library offers tutoring in reading, writing, math, computer literacy, and work/job literacy training.
All services are free and confidential.
Contact Information
Phil Guttierrez, Adult Literacy Coordinator,
Phone (209) 754-6006
CalWORKS Employment Services
All parents and caretaker relatives who receive CalWORKs cash assistance must participate with CalWORKs Employment Services unless they are exempt. CalWORKs stands for California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids. It is California’s Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program and provides temporary cash aid to eligible families with minor children. CalWORKs also provides assistance in finding and keeping a job through its Employment Services Division.
CalWORKs activities include job-related education or training and/or job-search preparation such as attending a job-preparation workshop, participating in practice job interviews, and going to actual job interviews. The goal of the CalWORKs Program is to help clients prepare for work and find a job so that they can become self-sufficient.
Basic Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for employment services, you must be a CalWORKs recipient or be employed and have received CalWORKs cash aid in the last 12 months. Refer to the California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) for eligibility requirements for cash aid.
CalWORKs Activities
CalWORKs activities vary in length of time and may be limited to 24 months. Below are some of the activities that clients participate in:
Supportive Services
CalWORKs will help clients with supportive services in order to allow them to participate in a self-sufficiency activity. Supportive services include:
- Child Care – If child care is necessary for a client to get a job or participate in other CalWORKs activities, child care payments can be made for children under 13 who are in the client’s CalWORKs case.
- Transportation – The County will pay up to a certain amount for travel to and from the self-sufficiency activity and travel to and from the child care location.
- Work or Training Related Expenses – Payments for books, tools and special clothing can also be made if it is necessary for a client to participate in assigned activities.
- Work or Training Related Expenses – Payments for books, tools and special clothing can also be made if it is necessary for a client to participate in assigned activities.
Mandatory Participation
Participation in the CalWORKs program is mandatory unless a client is exempt. Clients in one-parent households are required to participate 30 hours per week with no child less than six years of age or 20 hours per week with a child less than six years old. Clients in two-parent households must participate 35 hours per week. A client’s cash grant will be lowered if he or she refuses or fails to meet program requirements without a good reason. If a client is sanctioned, the participant will need to meet program requirements prior to having their sanction removed.
Exemption Criteria
Clients may be eligible for an exemption if they:
- Are under 16 years of age or 60 years or older.
- Are 16, 17, or 18 years old and go to school (not college) full time.
- Are pregnant and a doctor states they cannot work or participate in CalWORKs.
- Have a disability that is expected to last at least 30 days that would keep them from participating in CalWORKs and they are getting or trying to get medical help.
- Are a non-parent relative caring for a child who is a dependent of the court or a child at risk of placement in foster care.
- Must stay home to take care of another member of the household who is ill or incapacitated.
- Are a parent or caretaker relative of a child 6 months or younger and are providing care for that child. A parent who has previously used the 6 month exemption, will only qualify for a 3 month exemption for subsequent child up to the child turning 3 months of age.
Are a parent or caretaker of a child from birth through 23 months of age. This Young Child Exemption (YCE) is a one-time only exemption.
Applying for CalWORKs
CalWORKs Clients are referred to the CalWORKs Employment Services program by their Eligibility Worker. A CalWORKs cash aid recipient who is exempt from participation in CalWORKs can volunteer to participate in the program.
Contact Information:
Calaveras Health and Human Services Agency
509 East St. Charles Street,
San Andreas, CA 95249
Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Phone (209) 754-6448
According to the United States Department of Labor, individuals without high school diplomas have the highest unemployment rates and the lowest paying jobs in the country. The CalWORKs program, CalLearn, is specifically designed to encourage our youngest CalWORKs recipients to pursue or continue education as the first steps to self sufficiency.
The CalLearn Program serves CalWORKs clients under 19 years of age who are custodial parents or pregnant and who do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent. The CalLearn program provides financial bonuses for success in school as well as supportive services including transportation, childcare, some school related expenses, and referrals to other agencies.
About the Program
Teen parents who participate in the CalLearn program can expect to participate in an assessment with a CalLearn case manager to determine what services and supports are needed to ensure educational goals are met.
From this assessment, the teen parent and case manager work together to develop a plan to enroll in and remain in school. The plan includes the steps and supports necessary to be successful in reaching the educational goals and outlines the case managers responsibilities to assist in achieving these goals. Participants will work closely with their case managers to ensure their continued success.
Contact Information:
Calaveras Health and Human Services Agency
509 East St. Charles Street,
San Andreas, CA 95249
Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Phone (209) 754-6448
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