Child Protective Services 24 Hour Child Protective Services (CPS)
- Listed: December 15, 2018 7:48 pm
- Expires: 997721 days, 7 hours
Child Protective Services are mandated by Federal and State Law to investigate and respond to all allegations of suspected child abuse and neglect. Reports of abuse and neglect can be reported to the following hotline:
(530) 694-2235: Alpine County HHS Office; Regular Business Hours
(888) 755-8099: 24 Hour Crisis Hot Line
In addition to calling in reports of child abuse/neglect to the Alpine County Social Worker, Mandated Reporters may fax the Suspected Child Abuse Report (SCAR) provided below to (530) 694-2252
Suspected Child Abuse Report and Suspected Child Abuse Report Instructions
County Self-Assessment
Over the Summer and Fall of 2013, Alpine County Health & Human Services agency implemented the CSA process in close collaboration with the Child Abuse Prevention Council, the Children’s Trust Fund Commission, representatives of the Washoe Tribe, parent/consumers and virtually all respondents and service providers, including both private and public agencies and department representatives who have a role in the prevention, early intervention, and prosecution of child abuse and neglect in Alpine County. The purpose of the C-CFSR, overseen by California Department of Social Services (CDSS), is to conduct a system-wide assessment to inform priority needs and outcome improvement efforts over the next five-year cycle to support continuous quality improvement in local child welfare efforts.
The County’s final version of the Self-Assessment may be accessed here.
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